International shipping method

OneMall provides the following international shipping methods.

Japan Post EMS


  • Ideal for packages that are large in volume but light in weight, within 21kg.
  • If a shipment is returned from abroad, EMS air shipping does not charge a return fee.

Disappearance in a purse:→Japanese government EMS tracking system

Shipping conditions and dimensions:



  • Suitable for packages with a small volume but weighing over 21kg;
  • Returns from abroad incur high return fees, handling charges, and more.

Disappearance in a purse:→DHL parcel tracking system

Shipping conditions and dimensions:

  • Maximum weight 70kg (70,000g)to North America, Europe, China, East Japan and other countries/regions,
  • Vehicles, train lights, weapons/armed tools (comprehensive swords, weapons, toys, wireless communication equipment) sent by DHL.
  • Products containing batteries may be sent illegally.
    →Products containing metal or iron batteries

Irregular Items Additional fee:

Additional Fee per 1KG (over 30.1KG)889 yen.

Longest side>1mMaximum weight >70kg
DHLFee(yen)Addition of external sizeAddition of non-standard shapesAddition of non-standard weightTotal


  • Air delivery, fast arrival.
    Partial weight allowance cost ratio EMS additional calculation.
    → International shipping fee calculation
    In OneMall, the actual weight exceeds 30kg, the maximum length exceeds 1.5m, or the maximum length exceeds 3.0m, and the delivery is carried out by DHL.
    Items that cannot be used or shipped by other shipping methods (extra 24% alcoholic beverages, music, etc.) are also shipped by DHL.



  • Orders are processed through an automated system, allowing for real-time tracking.
  • This option is suitable for packages weighing up to 30 kg.

Disappearance in a purse:→ECMS package tracking system

Common transportation conditions and dimensions for each country:


  • Logistics are efficient and reliable.
  • Can monitor logistics dynamics in real-time.

FiveShuichi→ International shipping fee calculation

Japan Post Seamail


Sea freight is affordable and has a wide coverage, reaching destinations all around the world.

Disappearance in a purse:→Japanese government international packaging system

Shipping conditions and dimensions:


  • Ship navigation.
  • Depending on the demand, the shipping time will be 1-3 months, but the shipping fee will be the most convenient for EMS, DHL, ECMS.
  • The basic policy for joining, transportation security, packaging for music instruments, ceramics, liquor containers, and other easily damaged products, as well as shipping packaging for international shipping.

Containing metal or iron batteries products

The following products refer to internally-equipped metal batteries or battery batteries.

  • Digital camera
  • iPod
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Electric Tools
  • Camera
  • Computer notebook
  • PSV (PlayStation Vita)
  • Electronic Dictionary
  • Mobile phone
  • Portable DVD player
  • Electric knife
  • PS3, PS4
  • Flat-screen computer (iPad)
  • MP3
  • LCD TV
  • Nintendo Wii or WiiU

What items are prohibited for shipping?

There are various goods that are prohibited for export from Japan such as inflammable items, fauna and flora, items on the CITES list. Also, every country has their own list of prohibited items for import. Therefore, a certain item can be sent out of Japan and welcomed into a country, but the very same item might be rejected at the Customs of another country.

Japan Post EMS:You can refer to the following Japan Post pages for more information.

DHL: For information on prohibited items with DHL, please refer to the DHL page for more details.

ECMS: For information on prohibited items with ECMS, please refer to the ECMS page for more details.